

This page describes the different types of permissions and access rights that can be set up for Capacity Tracker.

What are permissions?

Permissions are settings and configurations within Capacity Tracker and Jira application that control what users within Capacity Tracker can see and do. Permissions are implemented to offer a layer of security, integrity and privacy to the Capacity Tracker application features and its associated data.

How to start working with permissions?

By default, Capacity tracker permissions are disabled, meaning the tool does not check for permissions and any logged-in user will be able to use all the features and functionalities, there are no restrictions. This is meant to provide a good experience for first-time users.

How to enable permission checking.

Type of permissions

Capacity tracker offers two levels of permissions in case you would like to restrict access to some features and functionalities to the specific users, groups or roles in your Jira instance:

  1. Global permissions

  2. Project permissions

Global Permissions

Those permissions are applied globally and can only be changed by a Jira Administrator only.


Permission Name



Permission Name


Template Management

Capacity Tracker - Template Management Read-Only access

Can see templates.

Capacity Tracker - Template Management Read-Write access

Can see and create/update/delete templates.

Multi-Project Reports

Capacity Tracker - Multi Project Report Management Read-Only access

Can see multi-project reports.

Capacity Tracker - Multi Project Report Management Read-Write access

Can see and create/update/delete multi-project reports.

How to configure global permissions.

Project Permissions

Those permissions are applied per project and can be either changed by a Jira Administrator (for Company-Managed projects), or a Project Administrator (for Team-Managed projects).

Permission Name


Permission Name


Capacity Tracker Read-Only access

Can see a capacity report.

Capacity Tracker Read-Write access

Can see a capacity report but also update its configuration (like users, daily capacities, etc.).

How to configure project permissions.

UI Visibility

If CT is configured to check permissions, then UI element will only be visible if the logged-in user has sufficient permissions.

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