Configuration Scopes

Capacity Tracker provides 2 different scopes of configuration:






Configurations shared across your entire Jira instance.


Configurations tied to specific Jira boards.

Global Configuration

Global configurations are not tied to specific boards. They include:

  • Addon configuration

    • Settings available to Jira Administrators (permissions, API keys, default capacity, default roles).

  • User days off

    • User days off are global and the same for all boards.

    • Adding a user day off within a board will add it everywhere else.

  • Multi-project reports

  • Templates

Board Configuration

When you want to see a particular capacity report, you always have to select a specific Jira board before accessing the Capacity Tracker page. Anything you configure here will be tied to that board, and not available to other boards.

Within a board, you have two different scopes of configurations:








  • Capacity Type

  • Issue Type Filter

  • Default Working Days

  • Team Holidays

Those settings will be the same for all sprints / versions within your board.

Work iteration (Sprint / Version)

  • Template

  • User settings

    • Role

    • Working days

    • Daily Capacity

Those settings are tied to a specific sprint / version. Changes made to a sprint configuration will not be reflected on other sprints.

That means you could have different teams working on different sprints.

Note: there is an important edge case to keep in mind when working with sprint/version configurations.
By default, a work iteration is unconfigured - meaning it does not have a saved config. In that case, Capacity Tracker will try to re-use a previously existing work iteration config as a temporary convenience.

This is what we call “config inheritance”, which you can sometimes see when you select a new sprint:

As soon as you go to the “Edit” screen and click on “Save”, a new configuration will be created for this work iteration, and the config inheritance will stop.