REST API - Jira Cloud
When replacing parameters indicated by <PARAMETER_NAME>, be sure to remove the ‘<' '>’ characters as well.
For example:
<MY_API_KEY> replaced by CT_API_xxx
<active_only> replaced by true or false
Navigate to Capacity Tracker configuration screen (Jira settings > Apps > Capacity Tracker).
Create a new API Key, and save it somewhere. For security reason, we will not be able to give it back to you if you lose it.You can now call the different API endpoints with your API Key (replace <MY_API_KEY> with the previously created key).
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <MY_API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json"<my_board_id>?workPeriodId=<my_work_period_id>
Get capacity report
Returns the capacity report for a specific work period. In case none were specified, the most recent active one will be used.
Method | Endpoint |
GET |<my_board_id>?workPeriodId=<my_work_period_id> |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
<board_id> | Number | Yes |
| ID of your Jira Board (or RapidView). |
<my_work_period_id> | Number | No | 0 | ID of your sprint or version. |
Get consolidated capacity report
Returns the consolidated capacity report including all work periods.
Method | Endpoint |
GET |<my_board_id>/consolidated?activeOnly=<active_only> |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
<board_id> | Number | Yes |
| ID of your Jira Board (or RapidView). |
<active_only> | Boolean | No | false | Only return active work periods (i.e. future work periods will not be included in the results). |
Get consolidated capacity report (flat)
Returns the consolidated capacity report including all work periods in a flat schema (the report will be returned as a list of records with all necessary columns instead of a nested JSON object).
This call is mostly used to integrate with Excel/PowerBI.
Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
<board_id> | Number | Yes |
| ID of your Jira Board (or RapidView). |
<active_only> | Boolean | No | false | Only return active work periods (i.e. future work periods will not be included in the results). |
<include_unassigned> | Boolean | No | false | Include unassigned issues in your capacity report. |
<filter_days_off> | Boolean | No | false | Filter days off based on the work period start/end dates. |
Get user days off
Returns the full list of user days off.
Method | Endpoint |
Update user days off
Updates the user days off directly without using the Capacity Tracker UI.
Method | Endpoint | Request Body |
PUT | Capacity Tracker supports two different kinds of days off:
Two modes are supported: Set This mode will completely replace the days off for the given user account IDs (all existing days off will be removed). Add / remove This mode will always execute the operations in this order: Remove, then Add.