How to grant and manage permissions on a team-managed project

Capacity Tracker Project permissions allow you to control who can access Capacity Tracker, and what they can do, e.g. "Edit Board/Sprint Configurations". Access level to capacity tracker is granted to people by project permissions.

You need to be a Project administrator in order to manage or change permission on a team-managed project.

  1. In your team-managed project, go to Project settings

  2. Go to Access

  3. Permission on a team-managed project are granted through custom Roles (you are not allowed to change Jira base roles, so you have to create your own).

    1. Go to Manage roles

    2. Create role

    3. Give your role a name and description (ex: “Capacity Tracker - Read/write role”)

    4. Under “App Permissions”, select which Capacity Tracker permissions you would like to give this role

    5. Create

  4. You can then assign this role to your users in the Access page