Marketplace Version: 2.2.42-AC
Release notes:
Adding a “range mode” when managing user days off (Range Mode for Days Off)
Adding user AccountId to the public API results
Marketplace Version: 2.2.41-AC
Release notes:
Adding an option to remove old team holidays in bulk (https://inprowiser.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CT/pages/1964867585/New+features+and+latest+enhancements#Team-Holidays---Bulk-Removal)
UX improvements
Security patches:
Removing old version of jQuery
Marketplace Version: 2.2.40-AC
Release notes:
Adding API rate limits on most of the REST endpoints
UX improvements
Security patches:
Upgrading most UI packages
Hiding API error descriptions
Marketplace Version: 2.2.40-AC
Release notes:
New global configuration parameters in the admin page (default daily capacity and default roles)
Multi-project reports:
Added a search functionality (can search by report name, project or creator)
Changed user capacity from being shown based on iteration capacity to being shown compared to the user with the most capacity
Added missing icons
Added zoom button for “Track per member”
Capacity Report:
Added pdf export button
Added CSV export for consolidated report tracked per role
Added a role filter dropdown on the Capacity Report page
Added a hover on sprint name in the header selection dropdown (shows the full sprint/version name)
Added all board configuration parameters on the report (issue type filter, default working days, team holidays)
Enable past days off management (we no longer restrict days off to be in the future when adding them)
Restructured the page to show the distinction between board config and sprint/version config
Improved the look of an empty report (when a sprint/version is empty and unconfigured)
Added new API endpoints to manage user days off
Added a new optional “filterDaysOff” parameter to only return user days off in the sprint and not all of them
Changed App icon to a small one
More details here.
Marketplace Version: 2.2.39-AC
Release notes:
Fixed an issue with the consolidated capacity report not applying the proper configuration
Marketplace Version: 2.2.39-AC
Release notes:
Updated the Jira API Authentication to comply with new Atlassian rules.
Fixed an issue happening with Multi-Projects & Templates after an incomplete server-to-cloud migration
Added API rates limits
Marketplace Version: 2.2.39-AC
Release notes:
Fixed a display issue in the Multi-Projects & Template pages (created by & last updated by in case of a non-existent user)
Marketplace Version: 2.2.39-AC
Release notes:
Added progressive migration of days off from Atlassian storage to our own cloud storage.
The migration will be performed automatically the first time days off are updated through Capacity Tracker.
Using our own storage layer will offer improved reliability and better control of backups on our side.